North Fork Long Canyon Creek Stream Crossing; #1600-2014-0060-R2
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2
Document Title
North Fork Long Canyon Creek Stream Crossing; #1600-2014-0060-R2
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Project is limited to the installation of a concrete ford stream crossing within the North Fork of Long Canyon Creek (NFLCC) in order to allow for future emergency access to Permittee-operated facilities located in the vicinity. The stream crossing is part of a larger improvement project to improve an existing access road. Proposed project activities include vegetation removal/trimming, diversion/dewatering of the NFLCC, and construction of the stream crossing. The project will be implemented for approximately 21 days between June and October 2014.
Contact Information
Patrick Moeszinger
Agency Name
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 2
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S:15301, Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of the repair, maintenance, and minor alteration of existing public structures, facilities, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of this determination, including roads, pedestrian trails, and similar facilities.
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