Milepost 56 Vegetation Removal
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
Milepost 56 Vegetation Removal
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
DWR manages the California Aqueduct (Aqueduct) and properties along the Aqueduct right of way. An ephemeral unnamed creek (creek) crosses under the Aqueduct at milepost (MP) 56 and a section of this creek, measuring 20 foot (ft.) wide x 30 ft. long, is located within the Aqueduct right of way between Pete Miller Road in the north, Sullivan Road in the south, the Aqueduct on the west, and a private residence on the east. This 30 ft. section of the creek is cement lined from bank to bank and is overgrown with cattail (Typha sp.), which needs to be removed to allow water to flow and ensure the integrity of the Aqueduct.
This cement-lined section of the creek receives water from a leak, which promotes the growth of hydrophytic vegetation. The vegetation is overgrown in the creek and must be removed to allow proper flow and ensure the integrity of the Aqueduct.
Workers in waders and with hand tools (pruners, loppers, clippers, pitch fork, rakes, McLeod rake, etc.) would cut the emergent vegetation in the 0.0137 acre of the creek and place it on the bank where a blackhoe would place the vegetation into a dump truck. The vegetation would be transported to the San Luis Field Division Operations and Maintenance yard for disposal. Workers would be transported to the site using four trucks and all vehicles will observe a speed limit of 25 mph. All vehicles will remain on existing roads, staging areas, designated project footprint, and stay out of the creek. Spill prevention would require absorbent dry materials to be present, and digging and removal of petroleum contaminated soil when bulldozer/excavator is operating adjacent to the ephemeral creek. If a substantial, visible silt plume occurs in the channel during hand removal, all work would stop until silt plume settles. All work must stop if wildlife is encountered and resume after wildlife have left on its own.
Contact Information
Tello Diaz
Agency Name
California Department of Water Resources
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S:15301, Class 1h
Reasons for Exemption
This project will not result in impacts to any special status species. Equipment usage would be minimal and short-term in duration. Proposed area has been surveyed and no potential for significant effect exists.
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