Valhalla Residential Condominium Project

3 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Sausalito
Document Title
Valhalla Residential Condominium Project
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Document Description
Note: Review Per Lead The Valhalla Residential Condominium project (Project) includes redevelopment of the former Valhalla site and building on the parcel ar 206 Second Street and 201 Bridgeway in Sausalito. The Project would maintain an existing single-family home located at 206 Second Street and renovate and expand the Valhalla structure to accommodate seven new residential condominium units. The Project would subdivide the Project site to create a separate lot for the single-family residence. Project plans indicate that the subdivision map for the Project will be followed by a condominium plan identifying air space condominium ownership areas for the seven residential units, exclusive use common areas, and common areas. The proposed Project includes on-site parking and landscaping components. In total, the proposed Project adds 610 sf of new floor area to the existing 9,290 sf of building space on the Valhalla property, for a total of 9,900 sf of floor area, and removes 567 sf in floor area from the existing 2,018 single-family house. Overall, the proposed Project would result in 43 sf of net new sf.

Contact Information

Jeremy Graves
Agency Name
City of Sausalito
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Cross Streets
Second Street and Main Street
Parcel #
065-242-06 / 065-242-17
State Highways
Hwy 101
SF Bay

Notice of Completion

State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
Cal Fire, California Air Resources Board (ARB), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bay Delta Region 3 (CDFW), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT), California Highway Patrol, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region 2 (RWQCB), Department of Water Resources, Office of Historic Preservation, Resources Agency, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
State Reviewing Agency Comments
California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
Development Types
Local Actions
General Plan Amendment, Rezone, BCDC Permit
Project Issues
Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Flood Plain/Flooding, Geology/Soils, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use/Planning, Mineral Resources, Noise, Population/Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Schools/Universities, Sewer Capacity, Solid Waste, Transportation, Wildfire

Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.

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