Addendum #2 to the Final EIR Prepared for the Humboldt Regional Transportation Plan 2013-2014 Update
3 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Humboldt County Association of Governments
Document Title
Addendum #2 to the Final EIR Prepared for the Humboldt Regional Transportation Plan 2013-2014 Update
Document Type
FIN - Final Document
Document Description
The proposed project is the update of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for Humboldt County, uniquely referred to as “VROOM 2022-2042” (for Variety in Rural Options of Mobility). The RTP 2021 update serves the same purpose as the previous RTPs for Humboldt County1 in that (1) it is a long-range planning and programming document aimed at achieving a coordinated and balanced regional transportation system, and (2) HCAOG developed the RTP 2021 consistent with current RTP guidelines (CTC 2017) and pursuant to applicable State and federal laws (Government Code §65080 et seq. of Chapter 2.5, federal legislation; U.S. Code, Title 23, §134 and §135 et seq.). HCAOG adopted the last RTP in December 2017 (also called VROOM). The Humboldt regional transportation system includes, but is not limited to, transportation network components of the highways, streets, and roadways; public transportation; active transportation including bicycle and pedestrian modes; commuter trails (i.e. as used for transportation); goods movement (ground, air, and marine); aviation facilities, and tribal transportation facilities. VROOM covers these modes in distinct elements (chapters) that identify goals, objectives, and policies; assesses needs, and proposes an action plan (short-term and long-term projects). VROOM also covers provisions for land use and transportation connections, emergency transportation coordination, greenhouse gas emissions and related climate-change and sea-level rise impacts, and includes a Tribal Transportation Element, which was prepared in collaboration with the Tribal representatives who are members of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). VROOM includes the required Financial Element, which identifies revenue sources (local, state, and federal funding), and projected costs and revenues, noting any projected funding deficits under both constrained and unconstrained project scenarios.
Contact Information
Beth Burks
Agency Name
Humboldt County Association of Governments
Job Title
Executive Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Information
Regional Transportation Plan covering entire county
Notice of Completion
Development Types
Transportation (Regional Transportation Plan Update)
Local Actions
Regional Transportation Plan Update
Project Issues
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Land Use/Planning, Transportation
Final Document(s) [Approved_Certified draft environmental documents]
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