Northeast District Nested Monitoring Wells


SCH Number
Public Agency
Kings County
Document Title
Northeast District Nested Monitoring Wells
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project consists of the construction of two nested monitoring near the Apex Ranch Conjunctive Use Project in Kings County Water District, Kings County, CA. One well will be situated along the Old River in Section 30, T 17 S, R 22 E, MDB&M and one well is planned to be further away and more central to the mddle of the district located on the district property near the Garner Basin which is located at 7th avenue ans State Highway 198. Each well is planned to have two casings extending to depths of 245, and 445 feet. Each casing will be made of 2-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride pipe. The wells will be used to monitor groundwater levels in different aquifiers. Ther wells will be constructed using standard well construction methods and include a cement-grout sanitary sanitary seal from the surface to a depth of 75 feet. The surface will include a concrete footing, standpipe and concrete bollards around each well. Electronic data loggers will be installed in each well to collect groundwater level data.

Contact Information

Don Mills
Agency Name
Kings County Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Other Location Info

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 3,6; 15303,06
Reasons for Exemption
The Project is exempt as a "limited small new facility" under CEQA Categorical Exemption Class 3 (Section 15303) because the wells are small structures and will occupy a small area. A total area of less than one acre will be temporarily disturbed during well construction. After construction, each well will occupy an area of less than 50 square feet.

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