Grant Grove Wastewater Collection System Improvements within Kings Canyon National Park
SCH Number
Public Agency
National Park Service
Document Title
Grant Grove Wastewater Collection System Improvements within Kings Canyon National Park
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The NPS is proposing to rehabilitate the wastewater collection system that serves the Grant Grove area. This system collects the wastewater from campgrounds, picnic areas, trailer villages, concessioner facilities, NPS operations and maintenance facilities, and employee housing within the Grant Grove area. The existing wastewater collection system includes a treatment facility, three lift stations, an inverted siphon, gravity sewers and forcemain piping. Portions of the collection systems' manholes and sewers are in poor condition and are contributing substantially to infiltration and inflow which can increase sewage flows to the wastewater treatment plant, exceeding their discharge permit limits and increasing operational consists. This project is needed to reduce infiltration and exfiltration, improve operation of the system, and to protect natural resources. There are a number of improvements needed, such as replacing, sliplining, and cleaning existing wastewater lines; and, manhole rehabilitation. A small portion of the project would occur in wetlands within Bradley Meadow. This project work would include the rehabilitation of six existing manholes, including cleaning, coating the interior, and replacing manhole frames and covers as needed.
Contact Information
Nancy Hendricks
Agency Name
National Park Service
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
City/Community: Grant Grove
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class I, Sec. 15301
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves no expansion of an existing use, which is the wastewater collection system at Grant Grove.
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