Establish Vallejo Ferry System Fares once the Vallejo Ferry Service is transferred to WETA
SCH Number
Public Agency
Water Emergency Transportation Authority
Document Title
Establish Vallejo Ferry System Fares once the Vallejo Ferry Service is transferred to WETA
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
In preparation for assuming ownership and operating responsibility for the Vallejo Ferry Service (which is currently owned by the City of Vallejo) pursuant to the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Response and Diaster Recovery Act (Gov. C. Section 66540 et seq.) regarding consolidation of San Francisco regional ferry services, the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transporation Authority ("WETA") has established fares for the Vallejo Ferry Service (to be implemented once the service is transferred to WETA) at the same rate as is currently charged by the City of Vallejo.
Contact Information
Lauren Duran
Agency Name
Water Emergency Transportation Authority
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Francisco, Vallejo
San Francisco, Solano
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The proposal and action by the WETA Board of Directors to establish fares for the Vallejo Ferry Service (once it is transferred to WETA) at the same rate as is currently charged by the City of Vallejo is for the purpose of meeting the Vallejo Ferry Service's current operating expenses.
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