Traffic Satefy Enhancements and Resurfacing of Lerdo Highway between Driver Road and Cherry Avenue - Federal Project ID # KER 110601; Project ID# HSIP4-06-006
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Shafter
Document Title
Traffic Satefy Enhancements and Resurfacing of Lerdo Highway between Driver Road and Cherry Avenue - Federal Project ID # KER 110601; Project ID# HSIP4-06-006
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Install traffic safety enhancements and reconstruct and resurface Lerdo Highway between the east right-of-way line of Driver Road and the west right-of-way line of Cherry Avenue. The proposed safety enhancements as well as the resurfacing and resurfacing and reconstructing of existing traffic lanes will be located wholly within the City's street right-of-way. Lerdo Highway is traffic safety enhancements include, but are not limited to, the installation of median guardrails, delineation, signs, striping, and pavement within the interior median. Road construction work includes milling the existing asphalt concrete pavement to various depths depending on roadway conditions, and repaving the roadway at various locations within the project boundary on Lerdo Highway. Work may include complete removal and reconstruction of the roadbed in both the eastbound and westbound lanes or removal of up to 15 inches of the existing roadbed and replacement with asphalt concrete. Reconstruction work where needed, will include recompaction of the subgrade, installation of aggregate base, and asphalt paving.
Contact Information
Suzanne Forrest
Agency Name
City of Shafter
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
General Rule.
There is no possibility that the proposed installation of traffic safety enhancements and the reconstruction and resurfacing of Lerdo Highway will have a potential significant effect on the environment regarding aesthetics, biological resources, hazardous material, mineral resources, public services, utilities, agricultural resources, cultural resources, hydrology, water quality, wetlands, noise, or recreation. The project work will occur within the existing paved roadway and the road shoulders no more than eight feet, north or couth respectively, of the edge of pavement.
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