2500 Carlmont Headwall Improvement Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Fish & Game #3
Document Title
2500 Carlmont Headwall Improvement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project includes replacement of an existing headwall and removal of small woody debris and sediment from a 150-foot reach of the creek. The creek will be diverted around the project site and the existing concrete inlet structure and trash rack will be removed. Approximately five cubic yards of accumulated woody debris will be removed from the channel bed. A backhoe will be used to remove approximately 15 cy of sediment and material to construct a concrete pad with wing walls. The 10-foot wide concrete pad will be installed at the base of the existing headwall extending 13 feet upstream. Concrete vertical wing walls, approximately seven feet tall will be constructed along the banks of each side of the concrete pad. A new inlet structure and trash rack will then be installed. Issuance of a Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2011-0229-R3 is pursuant to Fish and Game Code Section 1602.

Contact Information

Suzanne DeLeon
Agency Name
California Department of Fish and Game
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Mateo

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Project includes repair, maintenance and minor alteration of an existing public structure to prevent flooding.

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