Class 1* and Class 1 Permit Modification for Quemetco, Inc.


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Document Title
Class 1* and Class 1 Permit Modification for Quemetco, Inc.
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) is approving a request submitted by Quemetco, Inc. for a Class 1* and Class 1 Permit Modification that would authorize the replacement and relocation of seven (7) tanks that are part of the Battery Wrecker unit used to store and treat acid or paste generated from the breaking of batteries at Quemetco's battery recycling and a secondary lead smelting facility. The replacement of these tanks is necessary due to the normal wear the existing tanks experience over the years. All but one of the tanks will remain in the Battery Wrecker Containment Area in which they were originally located. The remaining Repulp Tank will be moved inside the Batch House Containment Area. The existing and proposed locations of the tanks are shown in Figure 1. The storage capacities of the 7 replacement tanks are: 1. Battery Wrecker Clarifier: 4,795 gallons. 2. Repulp Tank: 6,398 gallons 3. Reactor Tank 1: 1,489 gallons 4. Reactor Tank 2: 1,676 gallons 5. Reactor Tank 3: 2,538 gallons 6. Low pH Transfer Tank: 1,269 gallons 7. High pH Transfer Tank: 1,269 gallons The Class 1* Permit Modification, which requires prior DTSC approval, will replace the Battery Wrecker Clarifier by a tank that is 27.8% greater in the design capacity. The original capacity is 3,751 gallons. Although the replacement tank has the greater design capacity, the throughput of the treatment remains the same. The Class 1 Permit Modification, which does not require prior DTSC approval, will replace six tanks with the same capacity. The six tanks to be replaced are: Repulp Tank (RT-1), Reactor Tanks 1, 2 and 3 (Units DR-1 DR-2 and DR-3), Low pH Transfer Tank (Unit TT-1) and High pH Transfer Tank (TT-2). All tanks will be replaced with the tanks of the same design capacity. The project activities include waste removal from tanks; tank cleaning and dismantling; treatment of rinsed water by an onsite permitted wastewater treatment unit; offsite disposal of the removed tank to an authorized disposal facility as described in the previously approved Closure Plan; and the installation of the replacement tanks in the proposed locations as seen in Figure 1. The replacement tanks will be located within an existing secondary containment that is in compliance with California Code of Regulations, section 66264.193. There will be no change to the hazardous waste treatment process.

Contact Information

Chia Rin Yen
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
1. The project consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced, including but not limited to the replacement of a commercial structure with a new structure of substantially the same size, purpose, and capacity. 2. The project is not part of succession of projects of the same type in the same place, and therefore will not create a cumulatively significant impact. 3. The project will not result in unusual circumstances, and therefore will not have a significant effect on the environment. 4. The project is not located within a highway officially designaed as a state scenic highway, and therefore will not result in damage to scenic resources, including but not limited to, trees, historic buildings, rock outcroppings, or similar resources. 5. The project is not located on a site which is included on any list compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. 6. The project is not located on a site which contain historical resources, and therefore will not have an effect on such resources.

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