Temporary Emergency Permit to Transfer Hazardous Waste from Tanker Truck


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Document Title
Temporary Emergency Permit to Transfer Hazardous Waste from Tanker Truck
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
DTSC has issued an emergency permit to ABE, Inc. (ABE) to transfer hazardous waste from one tanker truck into another tanker. The hazardous waste to be transferred consists of approximately 500 gallons of used oil. The tanker containing the used oil was repossessed and removed to an unspecified location. ABE located the tanker and determined that transferring the used oil to another tanker would be the best method of properly managing the hazardous waste. The transfer operation will be conducted by qualified personnel from ABE.

Contact Information

Beverly Rikala
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Contra Costa

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
S: 21080(b)(4), 15269(b)(c)
Reasons for Exemption
This action is necessary to assure the protection of the environment by proper management of the hazardous waste. The used oil has been in the possession of persons unprepared to take responsibility for the hazardous waste. The proposed transfer will be performed in a manner that protects the environment by implementing the following controls: The transfer will be performed by a trained personnel employed by a company whose business is management of hazardous waste. All hoses and connections will be inspected before pumping to insure that there are no leaks. Secondary containment with a minimum capacity equal to the volume of liquid that would be pumped in 20 seconds in the event of a complete hose separation will be installed and absorbent material will be available in the event of a release. To prevent risk to the public, public access will be restricted during the transfer operation. Ignition sources will be extinguished. A portable fire extinguisher will be on hand. The transfer will take place in a secure, fenced, industrial area. There are no sensitive receptors, such as schools, hospitals, or day care facilities, in the vicinity of the site. The site is removed from any sensitive habitat areas. There is no surface water within one half mile of the site. There are no storm drains or drainage ditches that may be impacted by the activity.

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