Invasive Weed Management in the merced River Corridor (SNC 410)
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
Invasive Weed Management in the merced River Corridor (SNC 410)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This is a weed removal and disposal project that will result in minor changes to land and vegetation. The Upper Merced River Watershed council is requesting $192,270 in funding from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy's Grant Program to remvoe yellow starthistle (YST) and Italian thistle from riparian habitat along the Upper Merced River. The project includes approximately 80 acres of sensitive riparian habitat. The work will be accomplished by the manual removal (hand pulling and mowing by crews) and disposal of invasive weeds.
Contact Information
Mariji Feliz
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Minor public or private alterations in the condition of land, water, and/or vegetation which do not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees except for forestry or agricultural purposes. The project consists of minor land alterations involving the removal of non-native plants by hand. No significant impacts to the environment will result from project.
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