The Trail of 100 Giants Improvements Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Western Divide Ranger District
Document Title
The Trail of 100 Giants Improvements Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Western Divide Ranger District of the Sequoia National Forest proposes make improvements to the Trail of 100 Giants, here after referred to as Trail. Along the Trail there is a need to reduce the erosion and barren soil within the Trail caused by user-created trails. User-created trails are mostly short cuts at switchbacks along the Trail. The switchbacks provide ADA accessible access, however, there is little visual barrier (vegetation, logs, rocks, etc) between switchbacks so people can see a shorter path and walk off of the designated trail.
Contact Information
Jessica llse
Agency Name
Western Divide Ranger District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 3, 4, 11 & 33
Reasons for Exemption
Maintain existing faculties. Minor new structures within the limits allowed on the parcel. Minor alterations of land and vegetation without removing mature trees; reconstructing user-created trails. Construction or placement of minor structures that are accessory to existing facilities. Small habitat restoration project less than 5 acres.
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