Crescent City Harbor District - Riprap/Breakwater Repair at Various Locations
SCH Number
Public Agency
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Santa Rosa
Document Title
Crescent City Harbor District - Riprap/Breakwater Repair at Various Locations
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project involves involves repairing and reinforcing RSP on the existing inner boat basin breakwater and other locations within the harbor that were damaged during the severe December 2005 and January 2006 storm event. The inside, outside, and top of the breakwater were damaged to the extent that the breakwater's integrity was jeopardized, putting harbor residents, watercraft, and docks at risk from potential future storms. The damaged breakwater will be repaired by removing existing RSP to expose the core of the breakwater and to allow for installation of a concrete diaphragm in the breakwater's core for a length of 770 feet.
Contact Information
Dean Prat
Agency Name
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 1 (North Coast), Sa
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Crescent City
Del Norte
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves the repair and maintenance of existing structures involving no expansion of use.
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