Sonoma Valley Hospital Seismic Retrofit and Renovation
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sonoma Valley Hospital District
Document Title
Sonoma Valley Hospital Seismic Retrofit and Renovation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Project consists of the retrofit and renovation of existing hospital complex in order to comply with the seismic safety requirements mandated by SB 1953. This will include replacement in part and reconstruction in part of existing hospital structures and facilities. The beneficiaries include all of the citizens served by the existing hospital.
Contact Information
Carl Gerlach
Agency Name
Sonoma Valley Hospital District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15302, 15332
Reasons for Exemption
Class 2: Project consists of replacement in part and reconstruction in part of existing hospital to provide earthquake resistant structures, but with no increase in capacity; new facility located on the site of the existing hospital, with substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced. Class 32: Project consistent with applicable general plan designation and applicable GP policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations; project occurs within Sonoma city limits on site of less than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses; project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species; approval of will not result in any significant traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality effects; site is adequately served by all required utilities and public services.
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