Bowman Right Turn Lane
SCH Number
Public Agency
Placer County
Document Title
Bowman Right Turn Lane
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Construction of approximately 600sf of asphalt concrete pavement shoulder to provide for a right turn lane for west bound traffic on Auburn Ravine Road to turn onto north bound Bowman Road. This project is primarily located within the State Right of Way and will be constructed to meet Caltrans standards, Within the State Right of Way there will be asphalt removal, utility relocation, traffic signal relocation, earthwork, paving, and installation of new ac dike. Some minor signal box relocation and/or signal relocation maybe required dependent on final design. Caltrans currently maintains the signal timing for this intersection. The project is funded by the County of Place, Auburn Bowman Traffic Mitigation Fee Program.
Contact Information
Matt Medill
Agency Name
Placer County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
This project includes minor pavement widening and road grading for the purpose of public safety. Currently large trucks make the right turn movement from westbound Auburn Ravine Road onto northbound Bowman Road. The current configuration of the intersection does not provide sufficient pavement for this movement, resulting in truck and trailers cutting the corner, this creates an undesirable situation that damages the existing pavement and dike and subjecting the current signal location to potential impact. Minor pavement widening and relocation of the signal pole and utilities should mitigate the safety issue. This project restores deteriorated and damaged pavement as well as asphalt dike. In addition, this project promotes safer traffic conditions with negligible expansion in traffic capacity, has a total project area of less than 2,800sf, and it can be seem with certainty that this project will not have a significant effect on the environment.
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