Oakvale Ranch Easement Acquistion (SNC 080234)


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
Oakvale Ranch Easement Acquistion (SNC 080234)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The American Land Conservancy is seeking $1,000,000 in Sierra Nevada Conservancy Proposition 84 to fund the acquisition of a conservation easement on the Oakvale Ranch. The Oakvale Ranch is a 3,941-acre working cattle ranch that has been in the current landowners family for over 150 years. The purpose of the conservation easement is to preserve significant ecological and agricultural resources contributing to watershed health in the Yosemite Foothill be securing the 3,941 acres of open space including 10,000 linear feet of a seasonal stream. The conservation easement will prevent subdivision of oak woodlands and fragmentation of important wildlife habitat as well as contribute to maintaining the economic sustainability of the ranching community.

Contact Information

Bob Kingman
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Other Location Info
City: Raymond

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code

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