Waterline blending for Wells No. 236, and No. 283

2 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Modesto
Document Title
Waterline blending for Wells No. 236, and No. 283
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Well 236 (Emerald Avenue) is over the State Limit for Nitrate, and Well 283 (California Avenue) is over the State Limit for Uranium. This project will install 8", 10' and 12' water pipelines, valves, fittings, meters and mixers from the treated Water Transmission Mainline to each wellsite for blending. Both wells require an addition of treated clean water to lower contaminate concentrations so they can be brought back on-line.

Contact Information

Dean Phillips
Agency Name
City of Modesto
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 15301, Class 1(b)
Reasons for Exemption
Repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing public structures or facilities involving negligible or no expansion beyond that existing. Existing water wells #236 and #283 are used to provide potable water to the City of Modesto residents, and have been temporarily placed off-line until a blending system can be installed. This project will install the blending system. No expansion of the City water system will be realized.

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