Alamo Food Control Channel at Dally Road Bridge
SCH Number
Public Agency
Solano County Water Agency
Document Title
Alamo Food Control Channel at Dally Road Bridge
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The New Alamo Channel is part of the Ulatis Flood Control Project (UFCP). The Project was originally constructed circa 1960's by the US Soil Conservation Service and then dedicated to the Solano County Water Agency (SCWA) as the local sponsor to operate and maintain in perpetuity. The re-alignment of the original channel affected many County road crossings. Solano County maintains the bridge structure, whereas SCWA is responsible for maintenance of the channel around and under the bridges per the established easements. The Dally Road Bridge No. 23C-206 was constructed across New Alamo Channel in 1966.
In recent years, the UCFP system has exhibited signs of accelerated scour and degradation of the channel bed throughout the entire system. Systematic losses of 1-2 feet of channel bed during the December 2005 storm along have been observed.
Additional loss of channel bed material around the spread footings could ultimately undermine the structures foundation and jeopardize the structural stability of the bridge. The County has requested the SCWA remediate the bed scour to protect the bridge.
The Project is proposed to be implemented in the Fall, at the end of the agriculture irrigation season after October 15 and before the onset of significant storm events, when channel flows are negligible. Approximately 350 cubic yards of clean rock will be used to complete the project. The length of project impacts is approximately 100 linear feet. Implementation of the Project is anticipated to be no longer than 3 days and cost approximately $40,000.
Contact Information
Mark Snyder
Agency Name
Solano County Water Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sec 15302
Reasons for Exemption
The project's purpose is to arrest erosion, improve water quality, and restore the facility to its as-built condition.
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