Quagga and Zebra Mussel Inspection Station Improvements
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Quagga and Zebra Mussel Inspection Station Improvements
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
In association with mandatory inspection of all vessels at Silverwood Lake SRA the following improvements are being implemented to prevent the spread of Quagga and Zebra Mussel. An inspection station located at the southern portion of lake's dry maintenance yard will be used as an inspection area. This previous disturbed area will be regarded and contoured with equipment to make the area level and reduce any potential erosion impacts. The surface area will be compacted with rock gravel. New interior fences and the relocation of existing gates will secure and allow access to this portion of the yard. A temporary kiosk will be placed on the north side of the area, where vehicles and boats will be exiting from the inspection area. Ingress and egress to the inspection area will be expanded. A right hand turn lane from the main entrance road will move vehicles and boats into the inspection area. A double modular building, storage container, and parking area will be used as office space. The site will be located north of the main Kiosk. This previous disturbed area will be excavated to a depth of 7" below grade and regarded, then contoured with equipment to make the area level and reduce any potential erosion impacts. The surface area will be compacted with DG. Trenching will be necessary to install utilities that include electrical, sewer, water and T-1/phone lines. The proposed improvements will all comply with ADA standards including the parking lot, ramp and building. DPR-approved standard project requirements have been incorporated into this project.
Contact Information
Russ Dingman
Agency Name
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 3 Section 15303
Reasons for Exemption
No potenial for significant impacts to the environment is anticipated in compliance with Section 15300.2. Consists of construction of limited numbers of new, small facilities (Class 3).
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