Relemetry Improvements Associated with Bella Tuscany Pipeline Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Placer County Water Agency
Document Title
Relemetry Improvements Associated with Bella Tuscany Pipeline Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The telemetry improvements are a supplement to development improvements already evaluated in a Mitigated Negative Declaration (Black Oak Vineyards Subdivision SCH 2003012100). The telemetry work would include remote telemetry units at the Bella Tuscany Water Storage Tank and at the upstream pressure reducing station (PRS) on Black Oak Road. The project area will be defined by right-of-way and easements obtained by PCWA at the sites. The proposed project includes construction, installation, and operation of the proposed telemetry units associated appurtenances. The PRS will be provided with a metering and control panel to monitor pressure and flow which will be communicated to the Auburn communications programmable logic controller (PLC) via a telephone circuit. This information will be sent to the storage tank and supervisory control and data acquisitions (SCADA) unit. Power to the PRS station will be from PG&E, a trench will be required from the control located above ground to the nearest PG&E power pole. The control panel will be located near the PRS within 10 feet in an outdoor enclosure. A telephone connection will also be required and this will need to be coordinated with ATT. The telemetry unit control panels would be approximately three feet in height and 2 feet by 2 feet, which will house programmable control panels, electrical equipment, and telemetry equipment for phone or radio communications. The tank size will require solar power since utility power is not feasible due to the distance involved. A panel will be installed to monitor and control the tank level, irrigation and valve status which will be communicated via radio to the Auburn communications PLC for processing by SCADA and retransmission to the PRS. Power for the tank will be derived from a set of solar panels (roughly 10' X 10' mounted on a 10 pole). The control panel and solar array will need to be mounted on the southwest side of the property for best solar access and communications connection to the Auburn Power. The enclosure will be mounted above ground.

Contact Information

William Charpier
Agency Name
Placer County Water Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 3, §21083,21087,15303
Reasons for Exemption
The project will involve construction and location of limited new, small facilities, which are not located in an environmentally sensitive area (§15303(d) and (e).)

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