Accessory Dwelling Permit, 2008-046, Alan & Kris Mangini
SCH Number
Public Agency
Calaveras County
Document Title
Accessory Dwelling Permit, 2008-046, Alan & Kris Mangini
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
1. Issue a permit to all the addition of a second (accessory) dwelling at 5420 St Rt 12, Burson (APN #0048-018-186) in Calaveras County, in compliance with Calaveras County Zoning Code, Chapter 17.66, and Government Code §65852 et al. Construction/installation of the dwelling, utility connections, and appurtenant structures is subject to all applicable codes, regulations, and permitting requirements in existence at the time of permit applications(s) and/or start of construction. Permit is effective as of August 12, 2008 and expires on December 31, 2009.
Contact Information
Robert Sellman
Agency Name
Calaveras County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Per PRC §21080(a)(1) and CEQA Guidelines §15268, ministerial projects approved by public agencies are not subject to environmental review under CEQA. Government Code §65852.2(a)(3) identifies approval of a second (accessory) dwelling unit application as a ministerial action.
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