Reclamation District 1001 Pipe Replacement Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Reclamation District 1001
Document Title
Reclamation District 1001 Pipe Replacement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of the Reclamation District No. 1001 (RD1001) Pipe Replacement Project(Proposed Project) is to replace two pipes connected to auxiliary discharge pumps at the terminus of the Main Drain. The existing discharge pipes connected to the two auxiliary pumps are 36-inch and 42-inch diameter steel pipes that have two major issues. The first issue of concern is that the pipes cross through a levee below the 100-year water surface elevation and have inadequate siphon-breaks and closure structure that my cause water to siphon back through the pipe if the pumps fail during a 100-year event. The second issue is that the pipes have been in use for 50 years and, upon inspection, have been found to be extremely thin and corroded in multiple areas. The corrosion and inadequate closure structure result in a significant risk of pipe failure during a flood event, which would result in backup of the Main Drain and flooding to the RD1001 property. In addition, failure of these pipes would also threaten the integrity of the Natomas Cross Canal levee. These are critical flood protection utilities that need to be improved.

Contact Information

Diane Fales
Agency Name
Reclamation District 1001
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Other Location Info
Near Verona

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The Proposed Project will replace and/or reconstruct existing deteriorated pipes and deficient closure structures. The proposed new structures would have the same purpose and negligible or no expansion of the capacities of the existing structures. In addition, the Proposed Project will not significantly adversely impact special-status species or their habitat, disturb or remove any hazardous materials, or result in impacts that are cumulatively significant.

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