Approval of Removal Action Workplan for PG&E Watsonville Service Center


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Document Title
Approval of Removal Action Workplan for PG&E Watsonville Service Center
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is approval of a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the PH&E Watsonville Service Center Site ("the Site") to cleanup impacted soil at the 3.6-acre Site. The cleanup activities include 1) removal of approximately 8,000 tons of accessible soil impacted with arsenic, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH); 2) replacement of the temporary cover at the southeast corner of the Site with a permanent gunnite cap consisting of a mixture of cement and sand; and 3) placement of land use restrictions on the Site or a portion of the Site with residual impacted soil. The RAW was prepared in accordance with California Health & Safety Code section 25356.1. The proposed remedial alternative in the RAW includes the following activities. 1) Removal of accessible impacted soils. Soil excavation will be conducted in five areas within the Site boundary. Approximately 8,000 tons of impacted soil will be removed from these areas and disposed offsite to permitted landfills. The largest area will be excavated to three feet depth and a smaller area will be excavated to the groundwater depth of about 15 to 18 feet. The excavation will be backfilled with clean fill and repaved. The original surface features will be restored to their original or better conditions to the extent possible for the continued use of the Site as a Service Center by PG&E. 2) Replacement of the temporary cap permanent cap materials. A 4,600 square feet area (which includes a portion of a levee bank) at the southeast corner of the Site contains a temporary cover consisting of 20-mil reinforced plastic sheeting and crushed rock and soil. This cover will be removed and permanent capping materials will be placed consisting of gunnite or shotcrete which is a mixture of Portland cement and sand. The gunnite will be appropriately sloped during placement to direct water drainage down the storm drain along the Walker Street and prevent water ponding on the capped surface. Additional remediation of this area may be conducted as part of the planned upgrade of the levee system along Pajaro River. 3) Place Land Use Restrictions. Since impacted soil will remain at the levee portion of the Site and in the areas that cannot be accessed during the soil removal due to the presence of structures, PG&E and DTSC will enter into a Land Use Covenant to restrict the use of the Site or portions of the Site to commercial and industrial. The Land Use Covenant will also require DTSC approval for any disturbance of the remaining impacted soil.

Contact Information

Remedios V. Sunga
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Santa Cruz
Other Location Info
11 Walker Street

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 30,Tit. 14,CCR Sec. 15330
Reasons for Exemption
1) The total estimated cost of the removal action is $975,000 which is less than the Class 30 exemption maximum of $1 million. 2) Soil removal and capping will be conducted in a fenced area and no authorized pedestrians or vehicles can enter. The fence will be kept secured and entry gates locked during non-working hours. 3) All fieldwork will be conducted according to the site-specific Health and Safety Plan and only properly trained personnel will conduct the work. Only licensed contractors and transporters will be used. 4) Removal of soil from the Site will be conducted in accordance with the Transportation Plan for the safe transport of soil from the Site to the landfills. All trucks transporting hazardous material will be covered and be driven by registered hazardous waste haulers. 5) The actual excavation activities will be of short duration, lasting only about one to two months. Air monitoring will be conducted at the work area and at the property boundary. 6) No areas of cultural significance have been identified in the project area. In the event cultural resources are found in the course of the project activities, work will be suspended while a qualified cultural resources specialist makes an assessment of the area and arrangements are made to preserve any resources that are located. 7) No ecological resources have been identified within the project area as the Site is paved and fenced. 8) The site is not on the Cortese List or the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List pursuant to Government Code 65962.5. 9) Deed restrictions, in the form a Land Use Covenant, will be placed on the Site or portions of the Site which restrict the use of the property to commercial and industrial and ensure that the remaining impacted soil can only be disturbed with DTSC approval and in accordance with a Soil Management Plan approved by DTSC. 10) Nearest schools will not be affected. 11) There is no possibility that a significant effect on the environment will occur.

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