Adoption Of At-Store Recycling Program Recordkeeping And Reporting Regulations


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
Document Title
Adoption Of At-Store Recycling Program Recordkeeping And Reporting Regulations
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The At-Store Recycling Program Recordkeeping and Reporting Regulations create Title 14, California Code of Regulations (14 CCR), sections 17987, 17987.1, 17987.2, 17987.3, 17987.4, 17987.5, and 17987.6. These regulations are intended to comply with the requirements of Assembly Bill 2449 (Levine, 2006. Public Resources Code Sections 42250 et seq.). AB 2449 requires operators of supermarkets, with at least $2 million in annual sales, and retail businesses, with over 10,000 square feet of retail space and a licensed pharmacy, to provide the public with a drop-off service (or collection bins) for recycling plastic carryout bags; to only sell plastic carryout bags marked with the words "PLEASE RETURN TO A PARTICIPATING STORE FOR RECYCLING"; to collect, transport and recycle the collected plastic bags; and to make available reusable bags with handles for customers. AB 2449 further requires regulated stores to maintain records of the collection, transport, and recycling of plastic carryout bags, and to make those records available upon request to the State or any local jurisdiction. The regulations specify what records must be maintained, and provide further statewide standards for the reporting of those records.

Contact Information

Neal Johnson
Agency Name
California Integrated Waste Management Board
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa
Other Location Info
Statewide Regulations

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
14 CCR, Sec. 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
The adoption of these regulations is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15601(b)(3), as it can be see with certainty that no potential significant effect will result from the adoption of the regulations. The regulations are procedural in nature, not substantive. The underlying statute already requires that data be maintained and provided to requesting entities; the regulations merely provide a consistent set of standards detailing which records must be kept and how such record must be reported to the State.

Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.

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