Six Class 2 Permit Modifications for Hazardous Waste Management at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Six Class 2 Permit Modifications for Hazardous Waste Management at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
DTSC has approved six Class 2 Permit Modifications for hazardous waste management activities at the Decontamination and Waste Treatment Facility (DWTF). DTSC issued a Hazardous Waste Management Permit for the DWTF to LLNL in May 1999, which was effective in November 1999. These six permit modifications accomplish the following:
1. Discontinue the use of one of the two Shredder/Chopper Units and administratively close this unit;
2. Move the Solidification Unit from Building 695 (B695) Room 1036 to B695 Room 1038;
3. Discontinue the use of the Gas Absorption System (GAS), partially close it, and remove it from the Liquid Waste Processing Area in B695, Room 1028;
4. Install a removable walk-in fume hood in B695 Room 1025;
5. Increase Small-Scale Treatment (SST) capacity from 0.04 short tons per day (st/d) to 0.23 st/d; and
6. Revise the Waste Analysis Plan (WAP).
Contact Information
Paul Ruffin
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
None of the six permit modifications have the potential to significantly impact the environment for the following reasons:
1. One of the shredder/chopper units has been removed from the permit. Because this unit was never used to process hazardous waste, there will be no physical closure activities, so there is no potential for an environmental impact.
2. The Solidification Unit will be moved from one room to another room within Building 695 and will be re-connected to the POGS for emission control. There is no change in operation of the Solidification Unit, except its move to an equivalent location previously used for hazardous waste management activities, so there is no potential for a significant environmental impact. The move of the Solidification Unit from Room 1036 has the benefit of eliminating processing conflicts with the Debris Washer Unit, which is located in Room 1036.
3. The air pollution abatement and gas treatment functions of the GAS will be replaced by existing POGS and SST processes. These systems have equivalent capability and sufficient capacity to handle the air emissions previously treated by the GAS, so there is no possibility of a significant environmental impact. The closure of the GAS will be conducted in accordance with the previously approved Closure Plan for the facility and are not part of this permit modification decision.
4. Installation of the removable walk-in fume hood in Building 695, Room 1025 will increase worker safety during SST operations involving equipment and containers that are too large to fit in a standard fume hood. There is no increase in SST treatment or storage capacity. Adding health and safety equipment to the permitted operations has no potential for a significant environmental impact.
5. The increased capacity for SST operations is intended to improve treatment operations by consolidating multiple small batches into fewer larger batches. The increased scale of operations reduces the number of operating days and number of separate waste handling operations and potentially improves treatment control and emission abatement options. The increased scale of SST operations has been facilitated by a previous permit modification to increase the allowed container size and by the addition of the walk-in fume hood. The RWP area has sufficient secondary containment and air emission abatement capacity to accommodate the increased SST treatment capacity. Therefore, the increase in treatment capacity has no potential for a significant environmental impact.
6. The changes to the WAP reorganize and streamline the descriptions of waste characterization activities. There are no significant changes to the waste characterization activities themselves and the revised WAP meets the regulatory requirements for the WAP. Therefore, there is no possibility of a significant environmental impact from the changes in the WAP.
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