Tactical Training Support Center
SCH Number
Public Agency
Siskiyou Joint Community College District
Document Title
Tactical Training Support Center
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Enrollment has increased three-fold in the areas of fire training and emergency medical response. Classes for fire training and emergency medical response coursework are commonly offered in multi-hour blocks. This creates scheduling challenges for the college when attempting to coordinate the use of classrooms for traditional courses along side the special needs of the fire and medical response curriculum. The unfortunate result is often the scattering of the Fire, EMT, and Paramedic programs about the entire campus. This movement between the different areas of the campus negatively impacts the instruction process for the students, instructors, and support staff.
The TTSC, as approved by the Siskiyou Joint Community College District and identified within the adopted 2009-13 Five-Year Construction Plan, will provide the specialized instructional space needed for the Fire Technology, Paramedic, First Responder, and Emergency Medical Technician programs presently offered by the college.
The TTSC facility will consist of specialized classroom and lab spaces within a 4,700 +/- square-foot building. The total seating capacity will be about 75 students. The building will also provide offices for instructors and staff as well as equipment storage.
The total square footage of the TTSC accounts for about two percent of the total square footage currently available on the Weed campus. Further, the additional 75 students (i.e., seats) also account for about two percent of the Weed campus total classroom capacity. Cumulatively, the project represents less than one percent of the total square footage and classroom capacity at the conclusion of the 2009-13 Five-Year Construction Plan.
The students, instructors, and support staff will be the primary beneficiaries of the project. Additionally, local volunteer fire departments as well as larger, regional fire suppression agencies will likely benefit from the establishment of a regional, centrally-located fire and emergency services training facility.
Contact Information
H. Mark Healy
Agency Name
College of the Siskiyou
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15314
Reasons for Exemption
The project is a "minor" addition to the current total classroom capacity within the area of the existing college campus. The project is considered "minor" as defined by CEQA Guidelines, Section 15314, because it will not increase the original student capacity of the college either by more than 25% or ten classrooms.
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