Chemical Waste Management, Inc. - Kettleman Hills Facility Reissuance of Temporary Authorization to Allow Implementation of Landfill B-19 Class II/III Waste Fi
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Chemical Waste Management, Inc. - Kettleman Hills Facility Reissuance of Temporary Authorization to Allow Implementation of Landfill B-19 Class II/III Waste Fi
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Kettleman Hills Facility (KHF) is a Class I hazardous waste treatment, storage and disosal facility and a Class II/III disposal facility. The facility is an approximately 1,600-acre site, of which 499 acres are currently permitted for Class 1 hazardous waste and TSCA-regulated PCB waste and Class II/III waste operations.
On January 10, 2007, pursuant to 22 CCR 66270.42(e)(4)(C)2, DTSC approved and reissued the June 15, 2006 temporary authorization for an additional term of 180 days. The request for a reissuance of the temporary authorization makes no changes to the June 15, 2006 temporary authorization, which allows KHF to change the Landfill B-19 Class II/III waste fill side slope from 4 units of length horizontal to 1 unit of length vertical (4H:1V) to 2.5 units of length horizontal to 1 unit of length vertical (2.5H:1V) as proposed in the addendum to the approved Landfill Unit B-19 Closure Plan. A Class 3 permit modification for a permitted authorization has been submitted for review.
The approved closure plan will continue to be followed, with the exceptions of having more "daylight" final cover area, changes in the southern portion of the stability berm configuration, and initiation of 2.5H:1V slope change in Class II/III waste fill. The applicable standards in chapter 14 of division 4.5, title 22, CCR will be followed. These changes will be incorporated into the closure construction certification report.
Contact Information
Ruth Cayabyab
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
An environmental analysis was conducted on the steepening of the final grades from 4H:1V to 2.5H:1V, with a maximum elevation of 945 feet above mean sea level. DTSC determined that the project element would be a continuation of existing disposal operations at the KHF B-19 landfill.
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