Schwan Lake Pennywort Removal


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Schwan Lake Pennywort Removal
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Mechanically remove Marsh pennywort from the margins of Schwan Lake at Twin Lakes State Beach in Santa Cruz for a period of 10 days to improve water flow through the lake. During this time, mechanical equipment (aquatic vegetation harvesters) will access, cut, collect, and transport cut pennywort material to an offload point where the material will be transferred to shore equipment for off haul and disposal off site. Mechanical equipment will enter and exit the lake adjacent ot the existing overflow weir. Once all work is complete, the area will be raked and returned to preconstruction conditions. Project protects natural resources and supports continued use and maintenance.

Contact Information

Victor Roth
Agency Name
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Santa Cruz
Other Location Info
Twin Lakes State Beach

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301, 15304
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of maintenance of existing public facilities involving no expansion of use beyond current levels and the minor alteration in the condition of land which does not involve the removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees and is included as a "Resource Management project" in the Department of Parks and Recreation's list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR § 15300.4.

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