LaTour Demonstration State Forest Bateman Quarry


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)
Document Title
LaTour Demonstration State Forest Bateman Quarry
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of the project is to create an inventory of various sized crushed rock for use on roads managed by CDF, particularly on LaTour Demonstration State Forest roads. The product will be derived from an unnamed rock outcropping adjacent to Bateman Road and be no larger than 3.6 acres. The rock is fractured and can be ripped and moved with tractors and front end loaders to the crushing site. When the rock is crushed to size it will then be stock piled for future use. There is currently a road accessing the source. However, a new road will be constructed as part of a Timber Harvest Plan that will provide better access to the rock pit and other areas and become part of the forest system. The rock source has been used for the past thirty years to provide pit run material.

Contact Information

Bruce Beck
Agency Name
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Other Location Info
LaTour Demonstration State Forest

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15304
Reasons for Exemption
This exemption allows for, "Minor alterations in the condition of the land, such as grading, gardening, and landscaping, that do not affect sensitive resources." The project involves utilizing a rock source having little or no vegetation. There are no extraordinary circumstances or conditions related to this proposal that might cause the action to have significant adverse impacts to the beneficial uses of water and other resources. No negative effects to any species of concern, including threatened or endangered flora or fauna, or their habitat is anticipated. A search of the NDDB was conducted July 10, 2006. A CDF Archaeologist was consulted and expressed no concern over the possibility of cultural resources being present on the proposed site as surveys of the rock pit and immediate vicinity have been done in the past and no historic or prehistoric sites or isolates were found. A 1992 survey by the California State University, Chico, Archaeological Research Program, included the northern edge of the proposed quarry. In 1996 North Coast Resource Management did an area-wide survey that included the entire quarry. A random reconnaissance of high probability areas within the subject area was done by a CDF employee on July 2, 2006. No sites or isolates were found. The employee has completed the Archaeological Training Course for Professionals, course #93R, 9/13/2005. There are no other landowners within a half mile of the project. The proposed quarry site is within 200 yards of Old Station campground, a campground within the forest and administered by CDF. The campground is not heavily used. Rock crushing will not occur during the weekends when there are campers present.

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