S.R. Kilby Removal Action Workplan
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
S.R. Kilby Removal Action Workplan
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
DTSC has approved a Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the S.R. Kilby site located in Rosamond, Kern County. The RAW summarizes the findings of site investigation activities, identifies chemicals of concern, assesses risk for the purposes of determining the need for remedial action and identifying appropriate cleanup goals, and defines the extent of environmental media which must be managed in order to protect human health and the environment. The RAW then evaluates removal action alternatives and selects the alternative that best meets the criteria of effectiveness, implementability and costs as required under applicable law, regulation and guidance as described above.
The alternative selected for implementation at the site consists of the on-site consolidation and management of contaminated soil and slag in a manner that will allow for future industrial/commercial use of the site, but not sensitive uses such as residences, schools or hospitals.
Chemicals of Concern (COCs) identified in the RAW include: antimony, arsenic, and lead.
Contact Information
Ruben R. Medina
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
City: Rosamond
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
Exempt Status: General Rule
1. The project will serve to restore the site and to reduce the environmental and human health risk impact caused by the site conditions by consolidating and capping contaminated soil on-site.
2. DTSC's requirements for the removal action include that the contractor be a qualified California Class A Hazardous Waste Contractor.
3. The Contractor will be required to submit a site specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) that meets the requirements of Title 8 California Code of Regulations, Section 5192.
4. DTSC will require the establishment of institutional controls at the site.
5. Confirmation soil sampling will be conducted.
6. Operation and maintenance activities will be conducted including: the regular inspection and maintenance of the bentonite cap; periodic sampling of soil below the vault to confirm that contaminants are not leaching from the contained soil; the maintenance of site security fencing and signs; and vegetation control.
7. Baseline air monitoring will be conducted the week prior to the start of construction activities. Dust control measures will be implemented during excavation activities to ensure the protection of on-site workers and eliminate any potential off-site impacts.
8. Most activities will occur on-site and will not affect traffic.
9. Groundwater at the site was measured at 98.2 feet below ground surface in the on-site domestic well. Soil samples will be collected beneath the waste management unit every five years to confirm that no significant downward migration of contaminants is occurring.
10. The remediation contractor will identify and confirm the location of underground utilities prior to the start of work.
11. The site will be fenced to prevent unauthorized entry during remediation activities.
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