Archaeological Data Recovery Excavations at CA-SDI-98 (05/06-CD-07)


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Archaeological Data Recovery Excavations at CA-SDI-98 (05/06-CD-07)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project will conduct archaeological data recovery excavations at the flood-damaged remnants of a prehistoric archaeological site at the mouth of Borrego Palm Canyon. The data recovery is designed to recover the information in a burned rock and soil feature area before additional flooding or public uses completey remove the remains. Excavations will remove less than two cubic meters of soil to an approximate maximum depth of 40 cm. All soils will be replaced in the excavation units at the end of the project. No shrubs will be impacted. The project will be overseen by the State Parks District Archaeologist.

Contact Information

David Lawhead
Agency Name
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Diego

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15304, 15306
Reasons for Exemption
No potential for significant impacts to the environment is anticipated. Minor trenching and backfilling where the surface is restored. Basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource.

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