Forest Improvement in Burton Creek State Park
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Forest Improvement in Burton Creek State Park
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Phase I: Conduct preconstruction archeological field survey and resource inventory in forest improvement project location at Burton Creek State Park to identify archaeological resources that require protection from ground disturbance activity.
Phase II: If the systematic survey results in the positive identification of archaeological sites and/or significant isolates, protective measures will be implemented to avoid impacts from the proposed actions of Phase III. Measures will consist of delineation of the cultural resources with flagging, identification of the resources on a topographic map, and communication of the resource locations and the protection measures to the project manager. Any fuel reduction in areas within and adjacent to recorded archaeological sites and cultural resource features will be limited to hand clearing and may be monitored by a DPR-qualified archaeologist. Vehicles shall be prohibited within these exclusion zones. Hand clearing will take place first in areas of identified resources and work outward to fully identify and protect the newly documented and/or extended resources. Pile burning within site boundaries is prohibited.
Phase III: Create a defensible fuel profile zone (DFPZ) on 50 acres at Burton Creek State Park north of the Rocky Ridge Condominiums in Tahoe City, in accordance with specifications appended to Protect Evaluation Form. Reduce the threat of catastrophic wildfire and maintain a fire safety zone that will not carry crown fire and will represent native forest composition and structure. Trees to be removed will be marked with paint by or under the supervision of a California Registered Professional Forester. Pile burn in accordance with county and state regulations. A handcrew and/or a logging contractor will perform work.
Contact Information
Diane Cassano
Agency Name
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sections 15304, 15306
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of basic data collection activities that will not result in a serious or major disturbance ot an environmental resource, and minor alteration in the condition of land and vegetation that does not involve the removal of healthy, mature scenic trees except for forestry purposes and is included as "archaeological investigations by department staff"and "resource management projects" in the Department of Parks and Recreation's list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR § 15300.4.
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