Robinson Canyon Mitigation Site
SCH Number
Public Agency
Lassen County
Document Title
Robinson Canyon Mitigation Site
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The site is being developed as a wetland for mitigation of impacts from the Skyline Road project near Susanville. The project will consist of three areas where berms, ditches, and ponds will be utilized to rehabilitate 0.34 acre of previous wetlands, create 12.4 acres of new wetland sites and create 0.63 acre of additional waters of the USA in the form of ponds. There will be no grading or other ground disturbance in an existing wetland area.
Contact Information
Robert K. Sorvaag
Agency Name
Lassen County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Community: Doyle
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15304
Reasons for Exemption
The project is subject to both NEPA and CEQA. The activity will be beneficial to the physical environment by restoring previous, and creating new wetland sites and will require only minor ground disturbance related to berm, ditch and pond construction. There will be no disturbance in any existing wetland. As part of the Initial Study process the Lassen County Community Development Department considered the project record under NEPA, including the Programmatic Categorical Exclusion signed May 17, 2005, and determined that the project qualifies for exemption.
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