Interim Measure at the Basin By-Products Site
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Interim Measure at the Basin By-Products Site
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Basin By-Products site is located in a heavy industrial area, where a waste transfer station currently operates on part of the approximately 12-acre property; the surrounding area includes metal recyclers, vehicle dismantlers, and a freeway. Due to historic disposal of liquid industrial wastes at the site, contaminants in the soil include, primarily, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and metals. Presently, certain areas of the site are unpaved; potential risk for outdoor workers due to exposure (via ingestion, dermal contact, and particulates inhalation) to contamination soil from unpaved areas will be reduced via paving these areas.
The proposed Project is an interim measure to pave various unpaved areas of the site with 121,400 sf of asphalt and 6,300 sf of concrete. The proposed removal action is limited to affecting the top 1-foot of soil and will not impact groundwater. The plan indicates that all affected soil is expected to remain beneath the newly paved areas. No grading permit will be required from the City of Los Angeles.
Air monitoring in the work zone will be conducted to assess for dust and VOCs during grading activities. During grading excavation activities, standard engineering/construction practices will be used to control potential dust emissions (e.g., water truck) and specified action levels to immediately cease work have been established in the Health and Safety Plan. The paving will be sloped to ensure that surface water runoff will drain to East "I" Street, maintaining the current site drainage patterns. Existing groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and WBBP-2) will be protected. The areas to be paved will be secured via fencing with controlled access during work hours.
The time necessary to complete this activity is estimated to be approximately one month. Field activities are anticipated to be conducted in the summer, avoiding winter rains.
The areas of the site to be paved, and existing paved areas, will be maintained for a minimum of three years for this interim action. Inspections will occur at least annually to ensure the integrity and condition of the paved areas, and a report will be submitted to DTSC documenting activities regarding the paved areas.
Contact Information
Christine Chiu
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, City of
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project has limited construction-like activities and will not create any significant environmental impacts for the following reasons:
1) The activities are to occur in a heavily industrialized area of Wilmington. The areas where activities are to occur will be fenced and controlled with no access available to the general public during work hours. No cultural resources are known to exist in the area and due to the shallow grading, it is extremely unlikely that any would be uncovered. No significant biological resources are known to exist in this developed industrial area. An ecological evaluation was previously conducted which concluded that there are no sensitive biological receptors at the site, nor have any sensitive or valued biological receptors been identified in the vicinity of the site for which a complete exposure pathway exists.
2) All impacted soil is anticipated to remain beneath newly paved areas. If excess soil is generated during grading operations, appropriate testing will be performed for proper disposition.
3) A permit from South Coast Air Management District (SCAQMD) under Rule 1166 will be obtained which will specify any applicable concentrations of volatile organic compounds at the fenceline that would trigger specified corresponding control measures. Air monitoring will be implemented and dust control measures taken during soil movement activities. In addition, Best Available Control Measures for particulate control, as specified in Table 1 of Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust) of SCAQMD, will be followed. Dust control measure will include watering exposed surface soil using a water truck, as necessary.
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