Howard Harris Motorcycle Playground (HHMCPG) Modifications at Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA)
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Howard Harris Motorcycle Playground (HHMCPG) Modifications at Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of this project is to improve drainage, reduce soil loss, improve/repair existing ramadas, and rearrange existing facilities to provide for safer training facilities for ATV and CALPAL classes. To improve the drainage and reduce soil loss from the parking area, the ground will be leveled, sloped to drain into an existing drainage ditch, and compacted. Road base will then be added to the top layer. This will reduce the formation of mud during rain events and will allow water to drain quickly without carrying sediment. An existing wash rack, which is contributing to the formation of mud and increasing sediment transportation, will be removed from the area.
In order to level the parking area and slope appropriately, all ramadas and picnic tables will be temporarily removed. After the parking area has been repaired, ramadas will be replaced (with picnic tables) along the perimeter of the parking area. By placing the ramadas along the perimeter, it will be easier to maintain the parking area and prevent future sediment transportation. Ramadas which are in need of repair/replacement will be replaced with ADA sized ramadas.
In order to provide safer training facilities for ATV and CALPAL classes, the Vintage Track and Beginner Track will be modified. The Beginner Track will be moved to the NW corner of the Vintage Track and fenced separate form the Vintage Track. The original location of Beginner Track will be used to provide an ATV Training Range separate from the CALPAL Training Range. The area will be reshaped to comply with required dimensions for an approved MSF training range. This will place the ATV Training Range next to the CALPAL Training Range, thus localizing the training facilities for ease of use and safer congregation of students.
Within the Vintage Track facility, the track layout will be modified to accommodate the new location of the Beginner Track and reshaping of ATV Training Range. No new area will be used. All modifications and repairs will occur within the greater HHMCPG facility. As needed new fencing will be installed and old fencing will be replaced/repaired. Fencing will be either non-climb wire mess or wooden split rail. The existing parking area will not be expanded.
When the Beginner Track is reshaped for the ATV Training Range, three walnut trees and an elderberry tree will be removed. Seed from the elderberry tree will be collected before it is removed and grown at a local nursery for replanting within the Park.
Ground to be disturbed is comprised mainly of fill, so no archaeological artifacts shoudl be encountered. If any artifacts are encountered, work will stop and an archaeologist will be notified. Additionally, the modifications being made should reduce dust. The parking area, Beginner Track and ATV Training Range will be more accessible for dust suppression via water truck.
Contact Information
Patty Forbes
Agency Name
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Benito
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
Proposed project will be the repair, maintenance, and/or minor alteration of an existing facility not expanding the existing use.
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