Industrial Service Oil Company Incorporated - Temporary Authorization to Expand Hazardous Waste Storage Capacity
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Industrial Service Oil Company Incorporated - Temporary Authorization to Expand Hazardous Waste Storage Capacity
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Industrial Service Oil Company Incorporated is a used oil recycling facility. Use oil recycling is a treatment process where used oil, classified as hazardous waste, is treated by physical settling, chemical addition, and heat addition to produce a non-hazardous, reusable oil product. Use oil regulations state that used oil be classified as hazardous waste until it is treated, laboratory analyzed, and certified as "recycled oil." Thus, after treatment, and while awaiting laboratory analysis and certification, treated used oil is still classified as hazardous waste. ISOCI is currently authorized to store 350,000 gallons of used oil/hazardous waste in its on-site storage tanks. ISOCI has exceeded its ability to store used oil / hazardous waste within its authorized storage capacity. In order to expand its storage capacity so that the facility may store used oil after treatment, ISOCI has converted its seven recycled oil product tanks as additional hazardous waste storage. Each of the seven product tanks has an operating capacity of 67,641 gallons. The new hazardous waste storage capacity of the facility will become 823,487 gallons. This additional capacity is for storage after the contents have been treated and are awaiting laboratory analysis and certification as used oil product. No treatment or other processing activities take place after the used oil is placed in Tanks 100-700. As this is a temporary authorization ISOCI will be allowed expand its hazardous waste storage capacity for a maximum of 180 days or until a Class 2 Interim Status Document Modification to expand hazardous waste storage capacity is approved, whichever occurs first.
Contact Information
Steven Rounds
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, City of
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
The tanks 100-700 that are to be used for additional storage are preexisting therefore no structural additions to the facility are required. No processing occurs in the tanks and is awaiting certification. Because the facility is not authorized to perform blending operations, which consists of adding additional product oil to the treated used oil, no such operations will take place. No additional operational changes will take place at the facility. Tanks 100-700 are currently used as product storage and will now be used only as hazardous waste storage. If the laboratory certication test does not indicate that the hazardous waste meets recycled oil product standards, the hazardous waste will be retreated by emptying the storage tank in question, processing the waste through the facility's used oil treatment unit, retested and then certified as used oil product or, failing certification, it will be manifested and sent offsite for disposal. This project will not change any of the treatment activities currently occurring at the facility.
This project will not have any impacts for the following reasons:
1. Tanks 100-700 secondary storage containment meets current containment standards.
2. The structure of the tanks has been certified by a professional Civil Engineer, registered in the state of California, and meet current storage standards.
3. No new plumbing or other appurtenances will be added to the facility.
4. There will be no permanent physical change at the facility.
5. The tanks will not change operationally or functionally; the only noticeable change will be to the name of the oil within the tank form "waste oil" before it is certified, to "recycled oil" after it is certified.
6. No new waste streams are being added.
7. All other existing ISOCI prodecures to handle and manage recyclable oil will still be applicable and complied with at all times.
8. The modification will not affect any testing procedures, waste handling practices, or quality control/quality assurance procedures described in the facility operation plan.
9. No biological or ecological resources found at the facility will be impacted.
10. The facility is not on the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List pursuant to Government Code 65962.5, also known as the Cortese List.
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