Former Castrol Facility, Removal Action Workplan for Soils


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Document Title
Former Castrol Facility, Removal Action Workplan for Soils
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project consists of the removal of benzene impacted soil at Areas SG8/SG29 and SG7 through implementation of the Removal Action Workplan. Approximately 800 cy of benzene impacted soil will be excavated and shipped offsite as non-hazardous waste for thermal treatment at TPS Technologies, Inc. in Adelanto, California. The top five feet of soil will be removed from the impacted areas. The final cleanup goals for benzene, based on a cancer risk of 1x10^-5 and industrial/commercial use standards, are 110 µg/L-vapor at 5 feet and 129.5 µg/L-vapor at 15 foot bags.

Contact Information

Chand Sultana
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles, Los Angeles, City of
Los Angeles

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
The project involves removal of a relatively small volume of soil; approximately 800 cy will be removed within 2 to 3 weeks. The site is not on the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65262.5 and is not in an area of biological or cultural resource significance based on a) a review of historical and biological databases, and (b) consultation with the City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning regarding their General Plan and attached elements pertaining to the site and surrounding area. In addition to those control measures listed on the project activities above, the following controls in the RAW will assure that there is not a potential for a significant environmental effect: 1. All excavation work will be conducted within 7 foot high chain link fenced, secured area. Additional safety fencing will be placed around each excavation as it is performed and at the close of each day of operation. All site perimeter fencing and gates will be secured with locks. 2. There is a single ingress and egress point at the north property boundary along Marianna Avenue to maintain control of all vehicles and personnel entering and exiting the site. 3. All nonessential vehicles and equipment will be staged in the northern portion of the site to prevent any contact to contaminated soil. 4. Air and dust monitoring will be performed in accordance with SCAQMD Rule 1166 and 403 conditions. Air and dust monitoring will be performed near the excavation boundaries and at the perimeter fencing using PIDs and/or Drager Tubes for benzene. 5. No workers will be allowed within 5 feet of excavation sides, nor into any excavation that is deeper than 5 feet. A Safety Foreman will be on site, experienced in excavation work, at all times during the operation. 6. All soil to be stockpiled will be placed on plastic and covered at all times to prevent release of dust and VOC vapors. As soil is excavated, water or suppressant may be applied on the excavated soil, stockpiled soil, and on soil in trucks to prevent the release of dust and VOC vapors. 7. All stockpiled and excavation areas will be bermed or will have barriers/sand bags placed around them to prevent runoff of precipitation. All standing water will be vacuumed and placed into DOT drums for profiling and subsequent disposal. If the volume of standing or precipitation water is significant, then vacuum trucks will be used to remove the water and the water will transorted to DK. 8. All soil transportation and excavation equipment that comes into contact with contaminated soil will be decontaminated by manual scrubbing and pressure washing. Decontamination will take place in a bermed area to prevent any surface runoff of decontamination waters. All decontamination waters will be containerized in DOT drums and profiled for subsequent disposal at DK. 9. This activity will involve approximately 60 shipments, performed during working hours. The transporting trucks will access the 10 Freeway which is within 2,500 feet of the site. Trucks will take Marianna Avenue to Eastern Avenue to the 10 Freeway. There will be little impact on the nearby public streets or traffic in the site vicinity.

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