Frederick's Flume Gate Installation
SCH Number
Public Agency
Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Document Title
Frederick's Flume Gate Installation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project would modify an existing flume structure to replace existing stop-log stanchions within the flume with an automated gate. The District's Ditch Tender must currently manually remove boards in the stop-log structure to regulate flow in the flume. This will improve the ease of operation and will allow more efficient and safe regulation of flows in the flume.
The District proposes to replace the existing flow control/monitoring structure within the flume to allow the District to better utilize the existing capacity of the flume to meet the service demands of the existing farmers downstream and to incorporate provisions for accurately measuring the flow to allow the District to improve the overall management of its water delivery system. The modification will incorporate an automatic flow gate with provision for accurate flow measurement. The gate and controller will be operated by solar power. All construction activities for the project will take place within the existing flume structure on existing canal embankments and access roadways. Project construction activities will not disturb previously undisturbed areas.
Contact Information
Tim O'Halloran
Agency Name
Yolo County Flood Control And Water Conservation District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Near town of Madison
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15302
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of the ". . . replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced . . ."
The proposed replacement of the existing stop-log structure with an automated gate would not increase capacity of the facility to deliver water to downstream users beyond that which currently exists and would not expand the existing use. The proposed gate structure itself would be relatively small, roughly ten feet by ten feet square and contained entirely within the existing concrete flume structure. Other minor modifications to the facility such as the replacement of steel walkways may also be done to improve site safety. Construction activities would be relatively minor and would consist primarily of installation activities occurring within a short timeframe. The nature of these activities, combined with their location well within the existing facility, would result in negligible impact on air quality, noise levels, water quality, erosion potential, cultural resources, and biological resources.
Based on the review by EIP Assoc., it was determined that general environmental conditions that currently exist at the project site would not be altered by the proposed project. Specifically, the visual characteristics of the site would not be substantially altered, no change in land use would occur, people would not be exposed to floods as a result of the project, no increase in population, housing or economic changes would occur as no growth-inducement would result from the project, no destruction of agricultural land would occur, and no increase in demand for public utilities or services such as police, fire, schools, parks, water, wastewater, or solid waste would result from the proposed project. The project site currently supports developed water conveyance facilities with no significant biological or cultural resources present that would be affected by the construction or operation of the proposed facilities.
The project conforms to the description of Class 2 projects because the project consists of the replacement of a structure with a new structure that will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced.
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