Solar Turbines Inc. Facility - Interim Measures to Eliminate Potential Contaminant Pathways
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Solar Turbines Inc. Facility - Interim Measures to Eliminate Potential Contaminant Pathways
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
DTSC has approved an Interim Measures Workplan to reduce further vertical and lateral migration of contamination on site. Approximately 16 cubic yards of soil will be removed and shipped offsite for proper disposal. The entire project will be completed within four weeks.
Contact Information
Aung M. Naing
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Diego
San Diego
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
1. Actual excavation activities will only last approximately one week. During excavation, monitoring will be conducted for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and airborne particulates (dust) per the Solar Turbines Incorporated Health & Safety Plan (H&S Plan) dated October 2004. Air monitoring will be conducted at the property boundary and just outside the exclusion zone during excavation and loading activities. Excavation work will be stopped on windy days or when monitoring indicates airborne contaminants exceeding the action levels specified in the site-specific H&S Plan. The excavation will be covered with plastic sheeting and secured prior to departing the Site at the end of each work day.
2. Underground Service Alert will be notified a minimum of 72 hours prior to conducting any excavation activities. A previous geophysical survey was also performed in October 2003 to identify any subsurface utilities.
3. All field work will be conducted according to the site specific H&S Plan dated October 2004 and performed by properly trained and certified personnel. Trenching activities will be conducted by Belshire Environmental Services, Inc., a licensed general engineering contractor with a Hazardous Materials Endorsement. Excavation activities will be conducted using a backhoe and no workers will be allowed to enter any trench without the proper shoring.
4. Dust control measures, when warranted, will include spraying the excavation, excavated material, and temporary stock piles with water or suppressant. Stockpiles will be placed on a liner and covered with plastic during adverse conditions. Sand bags will be used to control any run-off that may result from the dust control measures.
5. Soil generated during the trench excavation in the existing Solar Turbines, Inc. parking lot will be stockpiled and tested for TRPH, VOCs, and metals. Based on the physical properties and waste characterization, the soil will be evaluated for use as backfill material for the exploratory trench.
6. Wastes will be proviled in a manner consistent with previous excavation activities at the Site. All wastes generated during the excavation activities will be transported under the appropriate manifests by Belshire Environmental Services, Inc., a licensed hazardous waste transporter. All trucks transporting hazardous materials will be driven by registered hazardous waste haulers and will follow designated routes to the interstate freeway. Waste transport will occur during non-commute hours, and truck routes will avoid residential areas, schools, and day care centers to the extent possible.
7. Prior to leaving the site, excavation equipment will be decontaminated using pressure washing and manual brushing. Decontamination/cleaning of equipment is described in detail in Section 3.8 of the site-specific H&S Plan. Transport trucks generally will not be exposed to contaminated material or enter the areas of surface contamination since the excavated material will be loaded into roll-off bins and drums prior to being loaded onto the trucks for transportation.
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