Archaeological Survey and Testing (02/03-A-18)
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Archaeological Survey and Testing (02/03-A-18)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Project consists of conducting two (2) tests to determine the presence of cultural resources within the construction zones for a concession facility and a visitor center, which involves hand digging test pits, auger holes and a small backhoe trench, to a depth of approximately 6 feet in the area of the concession building and approximately 10 feet in the area of the visitor center, avoiding native vegetation.
Contact Information
Pat Autrey
Agency Name
Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 4(f), 6
Reasons for Exemption
No potential for significant impacts to the environment is anticipated.
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