SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Escondido
Document Title
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A City of Escondido Coastal Sage Scrub Interim Habitat Loss permit for the loss of 0.42 acres of Coastal Sage Scrub (CSS) on a 2.81 acre parcel in conjunction with the development of a single-family dwelling. The City must adopt the required findings (consistent with the Natural Communities Conservation Program [NCCP] and endangered Species Act 4[d] rule) and insure the loss of CSS Acreage does not exceed the City's allotted 5% of 102 acres. A Coastal Sage Scrub Habitat Loss 4(d) Permit for the removal of 0.42 acres of sage scrub previously was approved by the City Council in 1999, and also approved by the Wildlife Agencies, but the permit expired. An updated biological analysis and Gnatcatcher survey have been done for the new request. A minimum of 1.43 acres of CSS located on the subject property is proposed to be placed within an open space conservation easement.
Contact Information
Jay Paul
Agency Name
City of Escondido
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Diego
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class (a)3 Section 15303
Reasons for Exemption
1. The project involves the construction of a single-family residential in a residential zone (RE-20) and is an in-fill project within an existing residential subdivision.
2. The associated loss of 0.42 acres of Coastal Sage Scrub complies with the findings for approval of the Interim Habitat Loss Permit based on the conclusions of the Biological Study and the conditions of approval as follows:
(a) The loss of 0.42 acres of habitat and the cumulative total of approximately 102 acres of approved and initiated loss permits does not exceed the 5% allowable habitat loss of 102 acres for the City of Escondido.
(b) The habitat loss does not preclude the connectivity between areas of higher habitat values. The conservation easement area would contribute to the Biological Core and Linkage Area of the proposed MHCP by placing a minimum of 1.43 acres of coastal sage scrub into permanent open-space adjacent to a 100% conservation area.
(c) The loss of this 0.42 acres of habitat does not preclude or prevent the preparation of final preserve plans since the portion of the site to be preserved is within the draft Escondido Focus Planning Area being considered for the Multiple Habitat Conservation Program (MHCP). The proposed loss would be minimal (0.42 acres) and would be mitigated through the on-site preservation of a minimum of 1.43 acres of habitat within a conservation easement.
(d) The clearing of 0.42 acres of habitat on the subject site would be confined to the area required for pad development and brush management in accordance with Section 4.3 of the NCCP guidelines. Mitigation for impacts to coastal sage scrub will be provided at a minimum ration of 2:1 through onsite preservation of 1.43 acres of habitat. The area to be placed in a conservation easement as mitigation for the vegetation loss consists of natural sage scrub that is gnatcatcher inhabited, high-quality coastal sage scrub habitat.
(e) The loss of habitat will not reduce the likelihood of survival of any listed species since only 0.42 acres of land adjacent to occupied habitat would be disturbed. Gnatcatchers were not identified in the area for removal and were identified as utilizing the habitat on the southerly portion of the property as part of their territory.
(f) The habitat loss is incidental to an otherwise lawful activity and the creation of a brush management zone in connection with the construction of a single-family residence on a single parcel of land. The development of the site would be in conformance with policies and procedures of the City of Escondido and would be consistent with the City's General Plan.
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