Pollution Control Industries of California, LLC (PCI), Class II Permit Modificatio
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Pollution Control Industries of California, LLC (PCI), Class II Permit Modificatio
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Class II Permit Modification allows the facility to receive and bulk solid wastes. PCI is authorized to bulk only liquid wastes received at the facility. The Class II Permit Modification authorizes PCI to receive and bulk incoming solid wastes in addition to also receiving and bulking liquid wastes it currently is permitted to accept and bulk. PCI requested a Temporary Authorization for the bulking of solid wastes from DTSC while applying for the Class II permit Modification. DTSC approved a Temporary Authorization dated September 20, 2001. The Class II Permit Modification for the bulking of solid wastes does not authorize PCI to accept or bulk any new hazardous waste class codes at the facility. The solid wastes to be accepted by the facility are listed under the same hazardous waste code for which PCI is currently authorized to accept. Also, the Class II Permit Modification does not authorize an increase in the capacity of hazardous wastes accepted at the facility. All solid wastes received at the facility conform to all other existing permit conditions and requirements. Additionally, as a condition of this Class II Permit Modification approval, PCI is limited to two bulk-shipping containers at any one time at the facility and these bulk-shipping containers will remain at a designated location within the facility until transported off site.
Contact Information
Farshad Vakili
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
sec. 15301
Reasons for Exemption
The bulking of solid wastes does not increase the operating capacity as described in the existing Hazardous Waste Facility Permit of June 28, 1994 (Permit). The bulking of solid wastes will occur within the confines of the existing hazardous waste permitted facility. The bulking of solid wastes at the facility does not generate new hazardous wastes and the incoming solid wastes fall within the same hazardous waste code classification for which PCI is currently authorized to accept in their existing permit.
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