Addendum to the Inland Empire Utilities Agency's Facilities Master Plans PEIR for the 930 Zone Recycled Water Projects
29 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Inland Empire Utilities Agency
Document Title
Addendum to the Inland Empire Utilities Agency's Facilities Master Plans PEIR for the 930 Zone Recycled Water Projects
Document Type
ADM - Addendum
Document Description
Note: Addendum 14 day review period
The proposed Wineville Recycled Water Pipeline Project is being developed by the Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA or Agency) in cooperation with the City of Fontana and the Fontana Water Company. This project is a second-tier project (Phase II) being implemented under the Recycled Water Master Plan element of the Agency's Facilities Master Plans (FMP) Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). The IEUA's goal is to reuse, to the extent practicable, recycled water that is produced at IEUA's Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facilities (WWRFs). Primary goals are to reduce dependency of the Chino Basin on imported State Water Project (SWP) water; to offset pumping that exceeds the Basin's safe yield; and to improve groundwater quality in the Basin.
Earlier this year contract was issued to Mike Bubalo Construction Co., Inc. for the construction of the Wineville Segment "B" recycled water system. As part of the Company's due diligence, it conducted a "value engineering" assessment of the original Wineville recycled water pipeline alignments. As a result of this value engineering assessment, the Company suggessted that IEUA consider an alternative alignment for a portion of the Segment B alignment. After careful review, IEUA concluded that Option A would meet the objectives of providing recycled water to local public landscaped areas and it would reduce the total lineal footage of recycled water pipeline to be installed by approximately 2,400 lineal feet. At this point IEUA requested an environmental evaluation of the potential environmental effects of installing the Option A alignment of the Wineville Recycled Water Pipeline alignment compared to that approved by both IEUA and the State Board. This Addendum has been prepared to address the Option A alignment.
Contact Information
Adham Almasri
Agency Name
Inland Empire Utilities Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Chino Hills, Fontana
San Bernardino
Cross Streets
Cherry Avenue & Beach Avenue
Total Acres
State Highways
Ontario Int'l
Notice of Completion
State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
Cal Fire, California Air Resources Board (ARB), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Transportation, District 8 (DOT), California Highway Patrol, California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region 8 (RWQCB), Caltrans, Division of Aeronautics, Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 6, Department of Toxic Substances Control, Department of Water Resources, Office of Historic Preservation, Resources Agency, State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water, State Water Resources Control Board, Divison of Financial Assistance
Development Types
Other (Modified Alignment of Pipeline)
Local Actions
Modified Alignment of Pipeline
Project Issues
Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Flood Plain/Flooding, Geology/Soils, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Noise, Public Services, Recreation, Septic System, Sewer Capacity, Solid Waste, Transportation
Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.