EX2001-61: Rehabilitation of 3.66 Miles of Modoc County Road 1 From Nevada to the Lassen County Line
SCH Number
Public Agency
Modoc County
Document Title
EX2001-61: Rehabilitation of 3.66 Miles of Modoc County Road 1 From Nevada to the Lassen County Line
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Modoc County Road Department is requesting CEQA clearance for a rehabilitation project along Modoc County Road One (1), including selected adjacent and nearby Modoc County Roads praticularly Modoc County Roads 35 and 38. All work will be done within the existing roadway prism, well within the existing road right of way. The work will consist of pavement rehabilitation, including full depth repair of portions of existing pavement, application of geosynthetic fabric, the placing of 4" thick asphalt concrete over the existing pavement, and the placing of shoulder backing material immediately adjacent to the new pavement. Pavement width will be 24 feet. Rehabilitation of this section of County Road One, and those county roads that are adjacent and nearby (CRs 35 and 38), will begin in summer 2002. The project will be funded under State Transportation Program (STIP), and the project cost wil be $735,000.
Contact Information
Scott Kessler
Agency Name
Modoc County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
Overlay project of an existing county roadway. No right-of-way acquisition will be required. The project will not extend outside the roadway prism. The project will not affect or alter the environment in any way.
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