Parkview Planned Unit Development
3 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Sacramento County
Document Title
Parkview Planned Unit Development
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Present Land Use
Vacant/14.7+/- gross acres of Low Density Residential, 6.5+/- gross acres of Parks/Recreation/Open Space, 68.8+/- gross acres of Mixed Use, 3.6+/- gross acres of Public Quasi-Public, 3.3+/- gross acres of major roadways, and 12.7+/- gross acres of freeway buffer.
Document Description
Recommended approval and forwarded to City Council: Development Agreement between the City of Sacramento and Alleghany Properties, Inc.; General Plan Amendment amending the land use designation of 242. 6-/+ gross acres from 147.7-/+ gross acres of Low Density Residential, 6.5-/+ gross acres of Parks/Recreation/Open Space, 68.8-/+ gross acres of freeway buffer to 132.4-/+ gross acres of Low Density Residential, 20.1-/+ gross acres of Medium Density Residential, 59.1-/+ gross acres of Mixed Use, 9.7-/+ gross acres of Park/Recreation/Open Space; 12.5-/+ goss acres of Freeway Buffer; 4.2-/+ gross acres of Public Quasi-Public, and 4.6-/+ gross acres of major roadway; Community Plan Amendment amending the land use designation of 242.6-/+ vacant gross acres from 76.6-/+ gross acres Low Density Residential, 71.1-/+ gross acres Medium Density Residential; 19.2-/+ gross acres of Parks/Recreation and Open Space, 68.8-/+ gross acres Employment Center 40; 3.6-/+ of Institutional, and 3.3-/+gross acres of major roadway to 52.1-/+ gross acres of Low Density Residential; 80.3-/+ gross acres of Medium Density Residential; 20.1-/+ gross acres High Density Residential; 22.2-/+ gross acres of Parks/Recreation and Open Space; 59.1-/+ gross acres of Employment Center 50; 4.2-/+ gross acres of Institutional; and 4.6-/+ gross acres of major roadway; Community Plan Amendment amending the circulation plan designating South Loop Road from a four lane roadway to a 2+ lane roadway; Rezone 242-/+ gross acres from 46.3-/+ gross acres of Agriculture-Open Space Planned Unit Development (A-PUD), 0.1-/+ gross acres of Manufacturing, Research & Development PUD (MRD PUD) and 196.2-/+ gross acres of Manufacturing, Research and Development PUD (MRD-20-PUD) to 52.1-/+ gross acres Single Family Residential PUD (R-1 PUD); 70.8-/+ gross acres of Single Family Alternative PUD (R-1A PUD); 9.5-/+ gross acres of Multi-Family Residential PUD (R-2A PUD); 20.1-/+ gross acres of Multi-Family Residential PUD (R-3 PUD). 22.4-/+ gross acres of Agriculture-Open Space PUD (A-OS-PUD), 64.6-/+ gross acres of Eimplyment Center 50 PUD (EC50 PUD), and 3.1-/+ gross acres of Transportation Corridor (TC); PUD Guidelines Amendment incorporating Parkview into the Riverwest PUD, to be known as Riverwest/Parkview PUD; PUD Schematic Plan Amendment establishing a Schematic Plan for Parkview consisting of 38.6 net acres (211 units) of single family units; 49.9 net acres (400 units) of single family alternative units; 8.2 net acres (164 units) of medium density residential; 18.5 net acres (312 units) of high density residential; 7.6 net acres of parks, 12.4 net acres of freeway buffer, 3.7 net acres of landscape corridors, 3.7 net acres of institutional use, 55.3 net acres of Employment Center use (870,000 sf of office space), 3.1 net acres of additional freeway right-of-way and 41.6 net acres of roadways.
Contact Information
Jeanne Corcoran
Agency Name
Sacramento County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
San Juan Road & I-5
Total Acres
Parcel #
225-0140-031-033,040,051; 225-0180-005,006,044-047
Other Location Info
City: North Natomas Community Plan Area
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
City of Sacramento
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
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