South Terrace Tile Repairs
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
South Terrace Tile Repairs
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Repair/replace all deteriorated tile and concrete surfaces at South Terrace. All replacement tiles must match original in size, color, and hardness. Every effort will be made to retain and reuse as much of the historic fabric as possible. Whenever possible, repairs will be made with original historic fabric.
Contact Information
Shaelyn Raab Strattan
Agency Name
Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Luis Obispo
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, Section 15331
Reasons for Exemption
This project addresses the repair and rehabilitation of an historic resource, along with work specifically designed to support continued maintenance and preservation of the property. The proposed work will not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of the resource, and will be done in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
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