Drainage Restoration of Middle Jordan Gulch


SCH Number
Public Agency
Hueneme School District
Document Title
Drainage Restoration of Middle Jordan Gulch
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Erosion control measures include: 1) installing a 24 inch culvert to collect all runoff from Spring Road to convey water below the gully area, 2) installing appropriately sized culvert to collect high flows and convey around channel erosion area, 3) installing wooden check-dams downstream of channel erosion area to stop head-cutting and 5) applying erosion control measures to side slope. The second project is located in middle Jordan Gulch, an intermediate stream that has an 18 inch sanitary sewer line running parallel to the channel. Erosion control measures include 1) recontouring the slope and installing rock, wood, and vegetation to armor the bank near the sewer line and 2) removal of excess woody debris in log jams, removing excess sediment and debris at sinkholes to increase filtration, and installation of an outfall protection structure located at the culvert outlet at the top of the project reach. Fish and Game issued Streambed Alteration Agreement Number R3-2000-0831 pursuant to Fish and Game Code Section 1601.

Contact Information

Serge Glushkoff
Agency Name
Department of Fish and Game, Region 3
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 4; Section 15304
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of minor alteration to land.

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