Brown's Valley Irrigation District (BVID) Petitions to enlarge the appropriated "Place of Use" associated with State Water Right Permits 8649, 9703, and 16792
SCH Number
Public Agency
Browns Valley Irrigation District
Document Title
Brown's Valley Irrigation District (BVID) Petitions to enlarge the appropriated "Place of Use" associated with State Water Right Permits 8649, 9703, and 16792
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Licensing by the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights, of existing State Water Rights permits held by BVID requires enlarging the permitted water rights "place-of-use" from 46,380 acres to 50,650 acres for areas already being served and irrigated by pre-1914 water rights. The enlarged "place of use" will allow continued flexibility by BVID to operate existing water conveyance and water storage facilities, but it will not increase the current limitation of irrigating a net area of 11,000 acres within the BVID's proposed "place of use" area. The proposed action will make the "place of use" area consistent with BVID's boundaries containing approximately 50,650 acres. The seasons and quantities of permitted water diversions and water uses would remain unchanged with the proposed action.
Contact Information
Mr. Walter Cotter
Agency Name
Browns Valley Irrigation District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Article 19; Sections 15301,15319
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