Improvement District No. 4 Henry C. Garnett Purification Plant - Oswell Tank Redesign


SCH Number
Public Agency
Kern County Water Agency
Document Title
Improvement District No. 4 Henry C. Garnett Purification Plant - Oswell Tank Redesign
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Kern County Water Agency's Improvement District No. 4 (ID4), 6.8 million gallon domestic water Oswell Tank has a common water inlet/outlet design. This results in long detention times and creates the need to rechlorinate the drinking water to maintain a detectable residual in the system. The disinfection by-product monitoring data shows that water leaving the Oswell Tank have elevated levels of total Disinfection Byproduct Rule requirements when they become effective in May of 2002. To remedy this situation, ID4 proposes to redesign and reconstruct the common water inlet/outlet system to a flow through design. This will ensure a significant reduction in the time water resides in the tank and allow for the continued displacement of fresh water within the tank. This will benefit the citizens of ID4 within the greater metropolitan area of Bakersfield whose supply of water depends on this facility.

Contact Information

Bill Wulff
Agency Name
Kern County Water Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Article 19, Sections 15300-15329
Reasons for Exemption
The Agency per Report on Review for CEQA Exemptions, incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit A, finds the work categorically exempt because the activity will replace, convert, construct and reconstruct facilities of the existing Oswell Tank that have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structures replaced and such construction and other activities are limited in scope such that no significant effect on the environment will occur.

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